Human Rights Welfare Society Pakistan Services For Community

  1. Advocacy and lobbying for the protection and promotion of human rights in Pakistan.
  2. Providing legal assistance to individuals who have experienced human rights violations.
  3. Conducting research and raising awareness about human rights issues in the country.
  4. Organizing training programs and workshops to educate the public about their rights.
  5. Promoting gender equality and women’s rights.
  6. Assisting marginalized and vulnerable communities, such as refugees, people with disabilities, and victims of domestic violence.
  7. Working towards eliminating child labor and ensuring access to education for all children.
  8. Monitoring and documenting human rights abuses and reporting them to relevant authorities.
  9. Collaborating with other organizations and networks to strengthen the human rights movement in Pakistan.
  10. Offering support and rehabilitation services to victims of torture and abuse.
  11. Promoting freedom of expression and advocating for press freedom.
  12. Providing humanitarian aid and support during emergencies and natural disasters.

Completed Projects

Name Of The Projects: Climate Change and Closing the Gender Gap

“Empowering Girls and Boys Through Literacy Learning” is a project completed by a HUMAN RIGHTS WELFARE SOCIETY PAKISTAN aimed at promoting gender equality and empowering both girls and boys through literacy education.

Total  beneficiaries:

Girls: 150

Women: 75

Boys: 120

Men: 50

The project’s objectives:

  1. Creating equal access to quality education: The HRWSP worked to ensure that both girls and boys have equal opportunities to receive quality education. This involved advocating for policy changes and implementing initiatives to address barriers to education for girls and boys.
  1. Developing gender-responsive curriculum: HRWSP developed a curriculum that addressed gender stereotypes, encouraged gender equity, and promoted inclusive educational practices. This curriculum emphasized the importance of literacy skills for both girls and boys, helping to eliminate gender disparities in educational outcomes.
  1. Providing teacher training and support: The HRWSP conducted training sessions and workshops for teachers to enhance their understanding of gender responsive teaching methodologies. This helped teachers create inclusive classroom environments where all students can thrive.
  1. Establishing safe and supportive learning environments: The project aimed to create safe and supportive learning environments that promote gender equality. This involved raising awareness about gender-based violence and implementing measures to prevent and address any form of discrimination or harassment within schools.
  1. Engaging parents and the community: HRWSP actively engaged parents and the community to promote gender equality in education. They organized discussions, workshops, and awareness campaigns to address societal norms and stereotypes that hinder girls’ and boys’ education. Through the completion of this project, the nonprofit organization successfully contributed to closing the gender gap in literacy learning and empowering both girls and boys to reach their full potential through education.

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