Project Proposal

Establishment of Youth Information Technology Centers in Union Councils

The rapid advancement of technology has transformed the way we live, work, and communicate.

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The rapid advancement of technology has transformed the way we live, work, and communicate. However, the digital divide in Pakistan remains a significant challenge, with many young people in rural and semi-urban areas lacking access to the necessary skills and resources to thrive in the digital age. To address this issue, this project proposes the establishment of Youth Information Technology Centers (YITCs) in union councils across Pakistan.

1. Provide youth with access to state-of-the-art information technology (IT) infrastructure and resources.
2. Offer comprehensive IT training and skill development programs to equip young people with in-demand digital skills.
3. Facilitate the integration of technology-driven solutions in various aspects of community development, including education, entrepreneurship, and civic engagement.
4. Empower youth to leverage technology for personal and professional growth, and to contribute to the digital transformation of their communities.

Project Activities:
1. Conduct a needs assessment in targeted union councils to identify the specific IT-related needs and challenges faced by local youth.
2. Establish YITCs in strategic locations within the union councils, ensuring accessibility and visibility for the target beneficiaries.
3. Equip the YITCs with state-of-the-art IT infrastructure, including computers, high-speed internet, multimedia equipment, and relevant software.
4. Develop and implement a comprehensive IT training curriculum, covering topics such as:
– Digital literacy and computer skills
– Programming and coding
– Web development and design
– Entrepreneurship and digital marketing
– Data analysis and visualization
5. Organize hands-on workshops, coding competitions, and hackathons to foster innovation and problem-solving skills among the youth.
6. Provide career guidance and job placement assistance to help youth transition into technology-driven careers.
7. Facilitate the integration of technology-based solutions in community development initiatives, such as online educational platforms, digital civic engagement tools, and e-government services.
8. Establish linkages with local government agencies, educational institutions, and private sector partners to leverage resources and ensure the sustainability of the YITCs.
9. Implement a robust monitoring and evaluation system to track the impact of the YITCs and guide the continuous improvement of the program.


The primary beneficiaries of this project will be the youth, aged 15-30, residing in the targeted union councils. The project aims to reach both in-school and out-of-school youth, with a particular focus on those from disadvantaged backgrounds and underserved communities.

Expected Outcomes:
1. Increased access to state-of-the-art IT infrastructure and resources among the youth in the target union councils.
2. Improved digital literacy and technical skills among the youth, enabling them to thrive in the digital economy.
3. Enhanced integration of technology-driven solutions in community development initiatives, leading to improved access to education, entrepreneurship, and civic engagement opportunities.
4. Increased youth employment and entrepreneurship in the technology sector, contributing to the economic development of the target communities.
5. Strengthened collaboration between youth, local government, educational institutions, and private sector partners to address the digital skill gap and drive the digital transformation of the union councils.

Sustainability and Scalability:
To ensure the long-term sustainability of the YITCs, the project will:
1. Engage local government and community stakeholders in the planning and implementation process, securing their commitment and support.
2. Develop a sustainable funding model, involving a combination of government funding, community contributions, and private sector partnerships.
3. Provide comprehensive capacity-building training for YITC staff to ensure the effective management and maintenance of the centers.
4. Establish a replication and scaling strategy to gradually expand the YITC network across other union councils in the province and, eventually, nationwide.

Budget for Establishment of Youth Information Technology Centers

1. Needs Assessment and Center Establishment
– Needs assessment in target union councils (@ PKR 200,000 per assessment x 10 union councils) PKR 2,000,000
– Rental costs for YITC premises (@ PKR 30,000/month per center x 12 months x 10 centers) PKR 3,600,000
– Renovation and setup of YITC premises (@ PKR 300,000 per center x 10 centers) PKR 3,000,000
– Utility costs (electricity, internet, etc.) (@ PKR 15,000/month per center x 12 months x 10 centers) PKR 1,800,000
Subtotal PKR 10,400,000

2. IT Infrastructure and Equipment
– Computers (30 units x PKR 50,000 per unit x 10 centers) PKR 15,000,000
– Laptops (10 units x PKR 80,000 per unit x 10 centers) PKR 8,000,000
– Printers, scanners, and other peripherals (10 units x PKR 25,000 per unit x 10 centers) PKR 2,500,000
– Smart boards and projectors (10 units x PKR 100,000 per unit x 10 centers) PKR 10,000,000
– Software licenses and subscriptions PKR 2,000,000
Subtotal PKR 37,500,000

3. IT Training and Skill Development
– Curriculum development and instructional design PKR 1,000,000
– Trainer hiring and capacity building (10 trainers x PKR 50,000/month x 12 months) PKR 6,000,000
– Training program implementation (10 training cycles x PKR 200,000 per cycle) PKR 2,000,000
– Training materials and resources PKR 1,000,000
Subtotal PKR 10,000,000

4. Community Engagement and Outreach
– Awareness campaigns and promotional activities PKR 1,500,000
– Partnerships and collaborations with local stakeholders PKR 1,000,000
– Youth engagement and feedback mechanisms PKR 500,000
Subtotal PKR 3,000,000

5. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Knowledge Management
– Baseline and end line assessments PKR 750,000
– Quarterly monitoring and review PKR 1,000,000
– Knowledge sharing and dissemination PKR 500,000
Subtotal PKR 2,250,000

6. Project Management and Administration
– Project coordinator (1 x PKR 100,000/month x 24 months) PKR 2,400,000
– Administrative and operational expenses PKR 1,000,000
– Travel and transportation costs PKR 750,000
Subtotal PKR 4,150,000

Total Project Budget:  PKR 67,300,000


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